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Jeremy Stanley and Sharon Pearce Receive AANA Public Relations Award for Beyond the Mask Podcast

Jeremy Stanley and Sharon Pearce Receive AANA Public Relations Award for Beyond the Mask Podcast


Jeremy Stanley of Private Advisor Group and CRNA Financial Planning and cohost Sharon Pearce of Beyond the Mask podcast were recognized by the American Association of Nurse Anesthesiology as winners for Best Public Relations Effort by an Individual, Small Group, Organization, or Company not Affiliated with a State Association.

The Beyond the Mask podcast was created specifically for the Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists (CRNA) profession. The weekly podcast discusses important issues that that happen both in, and beyond, the operating room such as CRNA personal finance, advocacy, nurse empowerment, political and legislator conversations and more. There have been over 115 guests with nearly 250,000 downloads in 125 countries. Beyond the Mask is consistently in the top 50 medical podcasts in the U.S.

Anne Mortera, Private Advisor Group’s Director of Advisor Growth & Engagement, said, “Jeremy’s dedication to helping CRNAs and their families through the complexities of financial and tax planning is commendable. His advocacy for both the healthcare and financial profession is truly inspiring and on behalf of everyone at Private Advisor Group, we’re so proud of him, Sharon and this well-deserved recognition.”

All entries were submitted online to a judging panel. Recipients were eligible candidates of any state association, individual CRNA or SRNA, CRNA group or anesthesiology group that employs CRNAs, healthcare facility that utilizes CRNAs, educational program, company, or other entity that submits documented evidence of positive PR activities related to nurse anesthetists during the year. An entrant may be self-nominated or nominated by someone else. Read more about the award here.

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